We offer Court Ordered finger-printing services to the public free of charge.
Fingerprinting services for Concealed Carry Permits at the current State rate.
Sex Offender Registration is required, and is charged a set fee set by the State of Colorado.
We no longer provide the FD-256 finger-print card (blue card) unless you have approval for "Ink rolled prints". If you have such approval we ask that you know the reason for finger-printing and provide the FD-256 finger-print card from the business/company which requires said fingerprints.
Our office is open 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday excluding all County Holidays.
Our Office will accept appointments outside said schedule with adequate notice. Excluding Concealed Carry Permits, Sex Offender Registration and Court Ordered Fingerprints.
Fingerprinting services for Concealed Carry Permits at the current State rate.
Sex Offender Registration is required, and is charged a set fee set by the State of Colorado.
We no longer provide the FD-256 finger-print card (blue card) unless you have approval for "Ink rolled prints". If you have such approval we ask that you know the reason for finger-printing and provide the FD-256 finger-print card from the business/company which requires said fingerprints.
Our office is open 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday excluding all County Holidays.
Our Office will accept appointments outside said schedule with adequate notice. Excluding Concealed Carry Permits, Sex Offender Registration and Court Ordered Fingerprints.